Friday, July 3, 2009

Slow days...

Hello again! As the title suggests, the past few days have been awfully slow with very little real income, though I have been able to snag a few deals that will likely prove quite lucrative in the coming week or so. I have 346g on person, 312g worth of materials in my bags, and about 1044g worth of items on the auction house as of this morning.

My trading has recently been almost entirely focused on trade goods, like herbs and ore. There simply haven't been many other deals around, or I haven't caught them, and as such I'm stuck to reselling trade goods. At least it's an ever-changing market with plenty of opportunities! By the way, on the rare occasion that you find an empty herb, ore, or other trade good market, gouge the prices! You can put a ridiculously high value on an item, well above its 'market' value (I use this term loosely), and if you are the only seller up at the time, it will likely sell. People want their items and they want them NOW, especially when it comes to commonly used items like ore and herbs. People feel like they can't afford to wait to make 'X' item for the raid (sometimes they can't, use this to your advantage), or 'Y' item to enhance their character's stats, and it really shows in their purchasing habits.

This also serves the dual-purpose of resetting the market price to a higher value; people will undercut you, sure, but they will (usually) not do so by a large amount, so you are essentially setting a new value to a particular item. However, more and more people are using auctioneer, and thus sometimes you will find someone who posts something for the market price, completely neglecting the potential profit that they could be making.

Anyway, I'd like to show you all another AddOn that I use, which does an excellent job of organizing my inventory and bank. It's called Baggins, and it looks like this (at least for my config):

Now, the reason I really like this AddOn is the sheer amount of sorting customization available. You can create groups for virtually any type of item that you want to, and set rules for what is placed in each category. The possibilities are nearly limitless. There are several plugins, including an anywhere bags plugin, though I feel it is a bit lacking. There are alternatives to Baggins that do a similarly good job, like ArkInventory. I simply prefer its user-interface to that of AI, and so I use it instead. I haven't set it up (yet) to manage the different trade goods; I do use it for glyphs, though, and it does a fantastic job of that.

Anyway, I'd like to cut this post short before I go into ramblings about this or that, and instead I will focus my energy into brainstorming for the next post.

Stay tuned! : )


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere :)

    Thanks Markco for directing us here
    Will stay tuned

  2. Found your blog from JMTC and I love hearing about how people get started with their AH successes. This is the most exciting part and most fun to read as you're trying to figure out what works and what doesn't on your server. From one AH entrepreneur to another, keep it up and I hope you'll update your blog regularly.

