Saturday, July 4, 2009

Moving on up...

I'm back again, and the past few days have been much better to me than last week! I really don't have as many auctions going in and out as I'd like, but as my resource pool grows I'll be able to do more and more trading. My assets are currently 1400g in bags, ~600g in mats, and ~600g on the auction house.

I've actually been having difficulty finding deals lately, so most of my income has been from items I purchased several days back, or longer. Ore is still my top seller, with herbs, bars, and enchanting mats trailing closely behind. Unfortunately I do not have any professions to utilize, so I can't use any of the neat tricks available to crafters. I might just level up a DK to 65 so that I can power-level jewelcrafting or inscription, but if I do end up doing that I will keep his stock separate from Rifampin's so that I can track their progress individually. Still just an idea, though.

I would actually like to advise you *not* to invest in the enchanting market unless you know exactly what you are doing. I find that the market fluctuates waaaay too much, and because there is no deposit for posting these items people are not afraid to cancel and relist, which drives prices down even farther. The sheer abundancy of shards, dust, and the like also contributes to the fluctuation, and so unless you have done quite a bit of research or know the beast you are trying to handle it can be a large hassle to deal with. I've learned this lesson the hard way, but at least I'm learning!

I can't decide if I prefer weekdays or weekends more, although it depends in large part on the market you are trying to push. For glyphs, friday-sunday seem to be ideal, with the earlier portion of the weekend yielding the best results. For ore and other widely used trade goods, I'm actually not entirely sure what is best. It seems to me that the weekdays have higher prices due to scarcity, but there are, of course, less buyers. However, you only need one power-leveler buying out your stock to make you a ton of cash, so I think I'll side with weekdays on this end. Not to mention that weekends are a great time to buy up all the cheap ore people are posting. This assessment is entirely anecdotal, and I encourage any of you to submit your own opinions/data. I'm all ears!

Anyway, that's all for now. I might just start logging my glyph sales on my main's server, so stay tuned for that. Do any of you happen to make a large percentage of your profits from crafting? What works well for you? I happen to find inscription very lucrative and will be milking the cow until something is done to stop me. Until next time!


  1. Just wanted to drop a note saying how much I enjoy your blog. These early times when you're starting out and understanding your server's market is really the most enjoyable and memorable time for me. From a fellow wow entreprenuer, keep it up! I love it and I've bookmarked you! Cheers mate!

  2. I pretty much just flip the AH for cash, I don't use any crafting tricks (yet) and I've found that you make the most gold over the weekend. I always try to do a scan on Friday morning and post for 48 hrs so I have goods up for auction over Friday and Saturday night.

    I usually scan the AH most week days and i've noticed that i make roughly 50-100% more on the weekend than i do on a weekday.

  3. nice blog for now, keep writing :)

  4. Interesting log of trades. Some good dieas in there. Keep it up and goodluck with the blogging.

    Gobble gobble.

